15 Latinx Owned Street Apparel Brands You Need to Know
Mi gente have been on that Puro Pinche Hustle since day freaking one. In this age of Trump and ICE and family separation- being loudly and unapologeticly latinx is an act of resistance and rebellion against white supremacy, patriarchy, and xenophobia. I strive to provide latinx centered products that do just that, and along the way- I have found companionship and inspiration in brands across America.
They are so much more than t-shirt companies banking on the “activist trend”- these are genuine, passionate latinx lead projects driven by love for our culture and its people. The people behind these projects- hustling after their day jobs, loading stuff all around town for markets, selling outta our cars, building our own brands and websites, taking our pics, designing our merch, etc. - they are my greatest inspiration!! I find not only inspiration from these brands, I find hope in their talent, style, and humor. Comunidad over competition, y’all ♥️ every step of the way- cus juntos is how we -THE PEOPLE- can strive for TRUE libertad y justicia para todos
*Click the names of each brand to see their Instagrams!*
Street Glam / Los Angeles
Jotx Wear/ Los Angeles
Gentle Riot / Los Angeles
Somar ATX / Austin
Yo Soy AfroLatina/ NYC
Nepantla.USA / Austin
Nalgona Positivity Pride / Los Angeles
Shop Destruya / South Florida
Hija de tu Madre/ Los Angeles
Desert People / El Paso
Brown Badass Bonita/ Seattle
Daughter of an Immigrant/ Los Angeles
Hermanitas Boutique / San Antonio&Austin
MexiChica / San Antonio
Salsa for President / McAllen